Mittwoch, September 18, 2024
Mittwoch, September 18, 2024
Home » Condition of national monuments of Tajikistan assessed during UNESCO workshop

Condition of national monuments of Tajikistan assessed during UNESCO workshop

by Heiko Klein
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A workshop on updating the Tentative List and assessing the state of conservation of the sites using advanced documentation methods is held in Khujand, Tajikistan, on December 20-21, the Foreign Ministry of Tajikistan reports.

The event aims to review the list of national monuments of Tajikistan, which are included in the UNESCO Tentative List and assess their condition, to strengthen the institutional capacity in protection of cultural monuments and to improve skills of local experts concerning the provisions of the relevant UNESCO conventions.

The meeting is gathering 20 local experts, among them the specialists of culture and museums of the cities and districts of Sughd region.

Qualified specialists from the International Institute of Central Asian Studies (Samarkand) and local experts are involved to convene the event at a high level.

Source: Akipress

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